Transportable akustic wall
Over the past 8 years, Stouenborg has developed and produced special solutions for various projects that suit the users' needs. At the LIFE Campus, Stouenborg was tasked with building an acoustic wall that dampened the high frequencies but also the low frequencies for their new physiology laboratory.
They were to be mobile walls which could also contain screens for use in teaching and function as room dividers.
In the design phase, we went through many variants of the wall, but as LIFE Campus uses perforated steel sheets, we chose to continue this aesthetic choice from VLA architects in the mobile walls. In order for the acoustic wall to function, it had to have a core that acted as a membrane absorbent to absorb the low-frequency sound. On the outside of the membrane absorber, we mounted a porous absorbent to take the medium and high frequency sound spectra. The starting point for the memebran absorbent was the old SLAM principle, which in particular Voetmann acoustics and EBB consult have been the banner bearer in DK.
The walls are currently in use in the physiology laboratory and help both as room dividers and to create good acoustics for the LIFE Campus.
You can also read more about our Canvas acoustic wall here.